Updating Your Personal Details

Updating personal details overview

It is important to let us know if you change any of your personal details.

This includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • telephone Number (*)
  • Mobile Number
  • Email address ( check the data security issues of letting patients change their email address via a personal submission and not via an app)

Updating personal details on the NHS app

You can change some of these details using the NHS app or one of the other apps that are available if they have the functionality.[delete if not applicable to your practice]

Updating personal details on a practice downloadable form

[Enter details of a practice downloadable form if you have one]

Changing your address

If you inform us that you have moved house and your new address is outside of our published practice boundary you will need to register with a GP nearer your new home. We will commence the process when we receive your notification and this will give you 28 days to register with a new practice.

If you don't register within this time period your medical record will not be transferred in digital format to your new practice and this might disrupt the continuity of your care.

You can view a map of our practice boundary here.

You can use the NHS GP Finder service here.